Damon Gambuto, Los Angeles correspondent: Ladies and Gentlemen, behold The Breakfast Burger from Rustic Canyon. The eight ounces of 80/20 Niman Ranch beef, thick cut bacon confit (cooked in duck fat!), Tillamook sharp cheddar, a fried egg, and arugula sitting between aRöckenwagner bun would be enough to make this a fantastic burger, but there's more. Chef Evan Funke adds a round of perfectly-cooked hash browns that might stamp this burger's ticket to the hall of fame. He was inspired his girlfriend's reference to the french fry-stuffed you find in San Diego Mexican food joint. Funke's burger, in turn, inspired me to take a wining photo for the Photoshelter Burger Photo Contest. It just may be the most delicious expression of burger excess I've ever tasted. A burger of the year indeed!
1119 Wilshire Blvd., Santa Monica, CA 90401 (map); 310-393-7050; rusticcanyonwinebar.com
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